Uses and Gratification Theory
- Developed by Blulmer and Katz, the uses and gratification theory theorises that media consumers seek media that fulfils their own needs
- There are five reasons why consumers seek out the products : information and education, entertainment, personal identity, integration for social interaction and escapism
» surveillance - viewer wants to gain information - most likely would be from watching the news or documentaries
» entertainment - watched for enjoyment
» personal identity - viewers can decide on what to view based on their own values ad personality
» integration and social interaction - when media sparks conversations (ah, did you see _____ last night ?)
» escapism - when viewers are able to escape the real world (video games are the main form)
» entertainment - watched for enjoyment
» personal identity - viewers can decide on what to view based on their own values ad personality
» integration and social interaction - when media sparks conversations (ah, did you see _____ last night ?)
» escapism - when viewers are able to escape the real world (video games are the main form)
- It asks 'what people do with media' instead of 'what media does to people'
- It also suggests that media companies compete against each other to win the viewers gratification
- There has been criticism on the theory because the public instead believe that they have no control over what the media companies produce for them
- Others believe that the idea that we use the media to 'satisfy our needs' is not recognising the power that it has over society (daytime television = housewives, fashion magazines = women, video games = young men)
- Modern society makes the theory more relevant because of things like Sky, Virgin, Now TV (they all let us have more freedom over what we consume on a daily basis as we are able to choose)
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