Editing Analysis - Dunkirk

Editing Case Study - Dunkirk
My film choice is the 2017 remake of the war classic, Dunkirk. It is an amazing film that uses its soundtrack to its advantage as there is not one silent moment in the film in its entirety, unless it was for an intended purpose. Directed by Christopher Nolan, it won Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing and Best Film Editing at the 2017 Oscars. And all were well deserved.

My choice of scene is the Dog Fight in the sky and the oil spill towards the end of the film.


Image result for dunkirk 2017 kenneth branaghThe first editing technique used, that I thought was very powerful, is that as the enemy plane gets closer to the Captain, the sound of the plane increases as the camera moves forward from a high angle to a low angle. This is effective because it shows how severe the situation is ; the plane is actually flying towards him.

Related image The second technique that interested me was that whilst this scene is going on, a parallel edit is used to show the younger soldiers in the boat. This is a good technique for this scene as it shows how vulnerable the soldiers look in the boat, but they are actually probably the safest ones compared to the captain and soldiers out in the open on the piers.
