CASE STUDY - Kerrang

K E R R A N G !
First issue of Kerrang! Credit: Bauer AC/DC (June 1981)
Kerrang!, a London-based company founded by Alan Lewis, is a multifaceted brand first starting on the 6th of June 1981. Currently published by Wasted Talent, the Kerrang! brand is owned by Bauer Media Group.
As of 2017, the Kerrang! magazine, website and K! awards were sold to Mixmag Media. Bauer will still own the radio station and Box Plus Network will still own the television channel.
To promote festivals, Kerrang! could put out adverts on their website, TV and radio channels, which would advertise the festival to a niche audience. By putting out advertisements in magazines, not just their own, and adverts on other television channels, they could promote the festivals to a broader audience.
The Kerrang! television channel was first broadcast in 2001 and is jointly owned by Bauer and Channel 4. It shows a mixture of classic and mainstream rock music.
Kerrang! radio station first started back in 2000. Like the TV show, it plays mainstream as well as classic rock and also alternative / metal music.
The magazine that started back in 1981 is still going strong today making 24,207 circulations between June and December 2015.
