NOTES - Operating Structures

Understand the ownership models of media institutions

- Six Main Media Sectors - Film, television and radio (broadcast), video games, print and publishing, web and online technologies, music

- Film - know about large, small and independent companies

- TV and Radio - companies who work to produce programmes that are broadcast on TV or radio

- Video Games - companies that produce the hardware / software for games

- Print and Publishing - produce and distribute books, newspapers and magazines

- Web and Online Tech - produce internet and app-based products and services using the communication infrastructure

- Music - record labels that are part of larger media organisations

Media company operating structures

- Media conglomerates are structured in a way that maximises their reach whilst minimising their costs

- The largest cost to a company is when they have to use services and providers outside of themselves to create or distribute their product

- Vertical Integration

Production --- Marketing --- Distribution --- Exhibition / Consumption

- Horizontal Integration

Online /            Print Media and    TV and Radio
Social Media  ---   Advertising  ---    Channels  --- Merchandising

- This is 'The Value Chain' created by Lucy Kung in 2008

- When a media conglomerate uses different subsidiaries to promote and distribute a product, this is called synergy - an efficient way for a company to use all of its assets to the best effect

- Synergy is enabled by cross-media ownership - when a conglomerate owns companies that specialise in different media, giving then an increased reach
e.g. 21st Century Fox wants to promote 'The Martian' made by 20th Century Fox so they link with their sister company

Media Job Roles

- Regardless of the media sector, media production jobs can be grouped into three different categories :

Pre-Production - planning and drafting stages of a media product (scheduling, funding, casting, designing)

Production - actual making of a media product (filming, photographing, writing, recording sound)

Post-Production - editing and finalising of a media product (adding special effects, digital manipulation, editing)
